Indonesian Pentjak Silat

Pencak / Pentjak Silat is a generic term covering more than a 150 very different systems, from all over the vast Indonesian archipelago.

Silat are divided into 3 different categories depending on its origin. Sport Silat, Exhibition Silat or Self defense Silat. SFA Silat are purely created for Bela Diri / self defense.

SFA Silat

Satria Fighting Arts is a dynamic and exceedingly useful martial art, that has its roots in the ancient Vedic culture.

SFA is more relevant now than ever, and it's a complete system that covers all ranges and all aspects of combat. Upright to ground fighting. One-on-one as well as fighting multiple attackers. Long range to close range combat, and much more.

"Comfort is the worst addiction"
- Marcus Aurelius